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Our locations

MS XTEC in Trossingen-Schura, (GER)

The headquarter of MS XTEC GmbH is located in Trossingen-Schura in Baden-Württemberg (GER). 

Year of foundation: 1965
Number of employees: 490
Areas of activity at this location: Production, logistics, sales, planning, purchasing, process design
Production area: 21,700 sqm
Number of machining centers & machines: 158 units


Neuenbühlstraße 6
D-78647 Trossingen-Schura

+49 (0) 7424 701 530

Bild des Gebäudes von MS XTEC in Schura, dem internationalen Fertigungsspezialist.

MS XTEC in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA)

The location is located in Charlotte in the US-state of North Carolina.

Year of foundation: 2023
Number of employees: still pending
Areas of activity at this location: production, logistics, sales, planning
Production area: 2,000 sqm
Number of machining centers & machines: pending


Rouven Muell, President

mobile +1 (517) 375-6870
